About us?

Our flower shop

At El Jardín de Zoe, we cultivate dreams and emotions through the astonishing beauty of flowers. From the delicacy of exquisite orchids to the tranquility of enchanting bonsai, each petal is a brushstroke of color that we paint on the palette of your most special moments. Our passion for flowers beats at the very heart of our garden, and each bouquet we create is a unique story, eager to be told | Florists Medellin

We extend you a warm invitation to explore the magic of nature in every corner of our flower shop and take with you the very essence of life. Immerse yourself in a world where emotions bloom, immerse yourself in El Jardín de Zoe florists medellin. We extend our passion through deliveries that cover part of the metropolitan area, bringing the beauty of our flowers to your door


Quality and excellence

Commitment to the delivery of products and services of the highest quality, seeking excellence in every aspect of our work.


Foster collaboration and teamwork, recognizing that synergy among team members is key to success.

Creativity and innovation

 Foster an environment where creativity and innovation are encouraged, allowing us to find unique and fresh solutions to meet the changing needs of our clients.

Attention to detail

Paying attention to detail in every aspect of our work, from product design to customer service, to ensure complete satisfaction.

Integrity and ethics

Act honestly, transparently and ethically in all our interactions, building trust with our customers, employees and partners.

Social responsability

Contribute positively to society and the community through initiatives and actions that benefit those around us.

Environmental sustainability

Commitment to sustainable and environmentally friendly business practices, seeking to minimize our ecological impact.

Care for our customers

Show empathy and care towards our customers, employees and community, making sure they feel valued and cared for.

Passion for nature

Nurturing a passion for nature and the beauty it offers, and reflecting that love in our products and services.

Are you interested? 
Discover all our variety of arrangements!

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